Influencer Followers Growth Rate Avg. Views
CHAUDHRY CROCKERY HOUSE @chaudhrycrockeryhouse
22.8K N/A 0.50%
Sweetree @sweetree_89
14.0K N/A 0.89%
The Finch Ludhiana
The Finch Ludhiana @thefinchludhiana
9.9K N/A 2.81%
Gautam’s-O-Dine @gautams_o_dine
8.4K N/A 1.73%
8.4K N/A 0.64%
By The Falls
By The Falls @by.the.falls
8.1K N/A N/A
BAKE FRESH @bake_fresh_page
7.6K N/A N/A
PARAGON WATERFRONT @paragon_waterfront
7.2K N/A N/A
Elgin Cafe, Ludhiana
Elgin Cafe, Ludhiana @elgincafe.ldh
7.1K N/A 1.66%
The Lake House - Kitchen | Bar | Lawns
The Lake House - Kitchen | Bar | Lawns @lakehouse_ldh
7.1K N/A 1.02%
Under The Mango Tree
Under The Mango Tree @underthemangotree_ldh
6.5K N/A N/A
MyFresh Kitchen & Cafe
MyFresh Kitchen & Cafe @myfresh_cafe
6.0K N/A 0.29%
La Familia
La Familia @lafamilialudhiana
5.5K N/A N/A
Numi Ludhiana
Numi Ludhiana @numildh
5.1K N/A N/A
Kylin Experience
Kylin Experience @kylinludhiana
4.6K N/A N/A
Dastkaari | Ludhiana
Dastkaari | Ludhiana @dastkaari_official
3.9K N/A N/A
Cookie Craft
Cookie Craft @ilovecookiecraft
3.9K N/A 1.61%
The CAT Caffé & Ristorant
The CAT Caffé & Ristorant @the_cat_caffe
3.3K N/A 1.02%
TheCakeArt - not just about cakes!!
TheCakeArt - not just about cakes!! @thecakeart
3.1K N/A N/A
SuperMarche | MarcheMellow
SuperMarche | MarcheMellow @supermarche.ludhiana
3.1K N/A 2.40%
Followers: 22.8K Growth Rate: N/A Engagement Rate: 0.50%
CHAUDHRY CROCKERY HOUSE @chaudhrycrockeryhouse
Followers: 14.0K Growth Rate: N/A Engagement Rate: 0.89%
Sweetree @sweetree_89
The Finch Ludhiana
Followers: 9.9K Growth Rate: N/A Engagement Rate: 2.81%
The Finch Ludhiana @thefinchludhiana
Followers: 8.4K Growth Rate: N/A Engagement Rate: 1.73%
Gautam’s-O-Dine @gautams_o_dine
The Loft
Followers: 8.4K Growth Rate: N/A Engagement Rate: 0.64%
By The Falls
Followers: 8.1K Growth Rate: N/A Engagement Rate: N/A
By The Falls @by.the.falls
Followers: 7.6K Growth Rate: N/A Engagement Rate: N/A
BAKE FRESH @bake_fresh_page
Followers: 7.2K Growth Rate: N/A Engagement Rate: N/A
PARAGON WATERFRONT @paragon_waterfront
Elgin Cafe, Ludhiana
Followers: 7.1K Growth Rate: N/A Engagement Rate: 1.66%
Elgin Cafe, Ludhiana @elgincafe.ldh
The Lake House - Kitchen | Bar | Lawns
Followers: 7.1K Growth Rate: N/A Engagement Rate: 1.02%
The Lake House - Kitchen | Bar | Lawns @lakehouse_ldh
Under The Mango Tree
Followers: 6.5K Growth Rate: N/A Engagement Rate: N/A
Under The Mango Tree @underthemangotree_ldh
MyFresh Kitchen & Cafe
Followers: 6.0K Growth Rate: N/A Engagement Rate: 0.29%
MyFresh Kitchen & Cafe @myfresh_cafe
La Familia
Followers: 5.5K Growth Rate: N/A Engagement Rate: N/A
La Familia @lafamilialudhiana
Numi Ludhiana
Followers: 5.1K Growth Rate: N/A Engagement Rate: N/A
Numi Ludhiana @numildh
Kylin Experience
Followers: 4.6K Growth Rate: N/A Engagement Rate: N/A
Kylin Experience @kylinludhiana
Dastkaari | Ludhiana
Followers: 3.9K Growth Rate: N/A Engagement Rate: N/A
Dastkaari | Ludhiana @dastkaari_official
Cookie Craft
Followers: 3.9K Growth Rate: N/A Engagement Rate: 1.61%
Cookie Craft @ilovecookiecraft
The CAT Caffé & Ristorant
Followers: 3.3K Growth Rate: N/A Engagement Rate: 1.02%
The CAT Caffé & Ristorant @the_cat_caffe
TheCakeArt - not just about cakes!!
Followers: 3.1K Growth Rate: N/A Engagement Rate: N/A
TheCakeArt - not just about cakes!! @thecakeart
SuperMarche | MarcheMellow
Followers: 3.1K Growth Rate: N/A Engagement Rate: 2.40%
SuperMarche | MarcheMellow @supermarche.ludhiana