Influencer Followers Growth Rate Avg. Views
DEEPAK BAJAJ @coachdeepak
1.4M 5.94% 3.36%
Ashutosh Rana
Ashutosh Rana @ashutosh_ramnarayan
1.1M 3.87% 7.81%
1.0M 0.80% 5.58%
Bookgains | Mohit Panchal
Bookgains | Mohit Panchal @itsbookgains
913.4K 2.39% N/A
Chetan Bhagat
Chetan Bhagat @chetanbhagat
905.3K -0.37% 3.63%
The Bookoholics
The Bookoholics @thebookoholics
895.9K 2.91% 4.67%
Hindi Panktiyaan | हिन्दी पंक्तियाँ
Hindi Panktiyaan | हिन्दी पंक्तियाँ @hindipanktiyaan.official
766.2K 0.33% 4.79%
Ravi Saroj
Ravi Saroj @mindsetreading
760.0K 1.14% 2.22%
शब्दालय 【 𝟏𝐌🎯】
शब्दालय 【 𝟏𝐌🎯】 @shabdalay_
702.7K 0.64% N/A
Saurabh Dwivedi
Saurabh Dwivedi @saurabhtop
685.0K 5.85% N/A
Muhammad Junaid
Muhammad Junaid @readandrisee
632.4K 1.67% 2.95%
Rajat Sood
Rajat Sood @rajatsoodpomedy
585.9K -0.17% 6.63%
Books For The Wise
Books For The Wise @booksforthewise
577.9K 0.42% 3.90%
Jim Mullane
Jim Mullane @getbetterwithbooks
496.5K -0.35% 4.16%
Shubham Kumar • Book Blogger
Shubham Kumar • Book Blogger @bookreadersclub
443.7K 2.76% 1.75%
Power By Books ™
Power By Books ™ @powerbybooks
412.8K 1.11% N/A
Unknown Name
Unknown Name @bookswithaartika
398.0K 3.44% 1.50%
Art of Hindi Poets
Art of Hindi Poets @artofhindipoets
396.6K -0.43% 3.05%
Success by books
Success by books @successbybooks
396.3K 3.21% N/A
Neelesh Misra
Neelesh Misra @neeleshmisra
364.6K 1.13% 5.22%
Followers: 1.4M Growth Rate: 5.94% Engagement Rate: 3.36%
DEEPAK BAJAJ @coachdeepak
Ashutosh Rana
Followers: 1.1M Growth Rate: 3.87% Engagement Rate: 7.81%
Ashutosh Rana @ashutosh_ramnarayan
Followers: 1.0M Growth Rate: 0.80% Engagement Rate: 5.58%
Bookgains | Mohit Panchal
Followers: 913.4K Growth Rate: 2.39% Engagement Rate: N/A
Bookgains | Mohit Panchal @itsbookgains
Chetan Bhagat
Followers: 905.3K Growth Rate: -0.37% Engagement Rate: 3.63%
Chetan Bhagat @chetanbhagat
The Bookoholics
Followers: 895.9K Growth Rate: 2.91% Engagement Rate: 4.67%
The Bookoholics @thebookoholics
Hindi Panktiyaan | हिन्दी पंक्तियाँ
Followers: 766.2K Growth Rate: 0.33% Engagement Rate: 4.79%
Hindi Panktiyaan | हिन्दी पंक्तियाँ @hindipanktiyaan.official
Ravi Saroj
Followers: 760.0K Growth Rate: 1.14% Engagement Rate: 2.22%
Ravi Saroj @mindsetreading
शब्दालय 【 𝟏𝐌🎯】
Followers: 702.7K Growth Rate: 0.64% Engagement Rate: N/A
शब्दालय 【 𝟏𝐌🎯】 @shabdalay_
Saurabh Dwivedi
Followers: 685.0K Growth Rate: 5.85% Engagement Rate: N/A
Saurabh Dwivedi @saurabhtop
Muhammad Junaid
Followers: 632.4K Growth Rate: 1.67% Engagement Rate: 2.95%
Muhammad Junaid @readandrisee
Rajat Sood
Followers: 585.9K Growth Rate: -0.17% Engagement Rate: 6.63%
Rajat Sood @rajatsoodpomedy
Books For The Wise
Followers: 577.9K Growth Rate: 0.42% Engagement Rate: 3.90%
Books For The Wise @booksforthewise
Jim Mullane
Followers: 496.5K Growth Rate: -0.35% Engagement Rate: 4.16%
Jim Mullane @getbetterwithbooks
Shubham Kumar • Book Blogger
Followers: 443.7K Growth Rate: 2.76% Engagement Rate: 1.75%
Shubham Kumar • Book Blogger @bookreadersclub
Power By Books ™
Followers: 412.8K Growth Rate: 1.11% Engagement Rate: N/A
Power By Books ™ @powerbybooks
Followers: 398.0K Growth Rate: 3.44% Engagement Rate: 1.50%
Art of Hindi Poets
Followers: 396.6K Growth Rate: -0.43% Engagement Rate: 3.05%
Art of Hindi Poets @artofhindipoets
Success by books
Followers: 396.3K Growth Rate: 3.21% Engagement Rate: N/A
Success by books @successbybooks
Neelesh Misra
Followers: 364.6K Growth Rate: 1.13% Engagement Rate: 5.22%
Neelesh Misra @neeleshmisra